Frequently Asked Questions

Why see a dietitian during cancer treatment?

Good nutrition is important during treatment to help your body cope with the physical and emotional demands of cancer and its treatment. Eating well improves our energy levels, muscle mass and other nutrient stores and immune function. It helps us to cope with treatment side effects, repair tissues after surgery and even influences our mental health and quality of life. Cancer and treatment impacts our ability to get adequate nutrition and to have a balanced diet. A dietitian can help to support you and your nutrition so that you can meet your changing nutrient needs and feel better during and after treatment. Nutrition can help you better manage life stage transitions, as well, like menopause (often medically induced during cancer treatment) and also has an important role to play in reducing the risk of cancer recurrence.

How many sessions will I need?

Everybody has different needs. Some people will benefit from ongoing fortnightly or monthly sessions, others only want a quick check in and some reassurance.

If you are undergoing cancer treatment, we recommend a minimum of 4 sessions. If your treatment regime changes, it’s a good idea to book an extra appointment to help us adapt your plan to any changing side effects.

We offer various consultation packages with additional between session support for a higher level of service, visit the Appointments page for details.

Can I book an appointment if I don’t have breast cancer?

Yes. We have experience with many types of cancer, as well as a wide range of health conditions. We have expertise across a range of chronic conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes and heart disease among others, as well as with plant-based eating. If you have a complex issue which is outside of our scope of expertise we will let you know and refer you on to someone better suited to your needs. Send us an email or use our discovery call service to chat further.

Can I wear my pyjamas?

Yes pyjamas are encouraged! The best thing about online consults is you can meet your dietitian with a cup of tea in bed or sitting on the balcony in the sunshine. We hope the online platform makes it easier to get to your appointments, especially if you’re feeling lousy from treatment. There is no need to dress up for your appointments!

We also invite family members or friends to be involved in the consultation if you wish. Sometimes it can be helpful to have an extra set of ears listening in and asking questions.


Up to 5 Medicare rebates of $58.60 per year may be available to clients who have an appropriate management plan through their GP. As of January 2022 Medicare has extended rebates for Telehealth appointments indefinitely after being temporarily introduced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Alternatively, you may be eligible to claim a portion of your consult fee from your private health insurer depending on your level of cover. We recommend calling your insurance provider to check if you are covered.

Cancellation policy

We get it, things happen and you can’t always get to where you need to be. It would help us greatly if you could notify us of your cancellation 48 hours prior to your appointment so that someone else can benefit from your spot. There is no fee for cancellation. If you’ve paid ahead of time, your consult fee will be rolled over to your next appointment or can be refunded through Stripe.

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